Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chinese medicine services in place in patients with lung cancer taboo

(1) should be free to drink. Alcohol itself can promote cancer and increase susceptibility to malignant tumors occurred. If the service is not medicine忌酒will affect the efficacy of Chinese medicine, but also lead leukopenia, immune function reduction.
(2) avoid drinking too much or drinking strong tea, because tea caffeine, theophylline, tannin interact with certain drugs, such as the type of Suanzaoren and soothe the nerves,柏子仁, Polygala and Buxue Yiqi of Astragalus , Shouwu, soil Fuling, Millettia drugs can not be with the use of drugs will be reduced, that is, "antidote of tea."
(3) anti-smoking. As we all know, cigarettes containing 3,4 benzopyrene, tobacco tar and other carcinogenic substances of the bronchi and lungs is a bad stimulate a long time that smoking causes lung cancer is an undisputed fact that, if the use of anti-cancer medicine At the same time continue to smoke, will seriously affect the efficacy of anti-cancer medicine.
(4) lung cancer patients, especially after radiotherapy patients, multi-肺阴deficiency symptoms appear, therefore, take some辛香channeling, stimulating strong food and medicine is best to avoid using the same should be忌食pepper, pepper , mustard oil, onion, ginger and other food.

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